From the Kitchen: Going Slow for Fall

Posted on October 10, 2018

By Judy Grigoraci For the Gazette-Mail (October 10th, 2018)

We’re into October and that always means autumn foods come into play. As soon as the leaves start to fall, I begin to think of low and slow cooking.

It’s the season when, after the summer sunshine has faded from iced tea and chilled salads, the likes of roasted pork, chicken and dumplings, homemade sausage, simmering beef stews and sauerkraut begin to come into their own.

I recently made my ribs and kraut and thought you might like to try them as well.

However, I wasn’t alone in my thinking.

Charleston’s Jens K. Kiel, a native German, recently sworn in as an American citizen, shared three recipes with me. One of them being his authentic version of kraut and pork.

Marketing and creative strategy is his occupation but he proclaimed in his note to me: “I’m a foodie and I have a knack for cooking, especially loving variations on a familiar theme.”

His other two recipes were for guacamole, certainly not what we expect from this former European, and a peach salsa —again, unexpected.

However Kiel says his trademark avocado mixture is appreciated by the many who enjoy his generous batches. “It’s so good that it has convinced pure carnivores to eat more avocados.”

The self-termed perfectionist admitted that it took him four years of testing before he was satisfied with his guac. And there isn’t any kraut in sight.

Well, not in that recipe. His classic roasted pork and kraut is very similar to my ribs and kraut, as you will see.

I also see hot cornbread, cut in half, melting butter running over the sides of the steaming slices, as a must-make to go with either of today’s recipes.

Kiel says his dish is a cure for Teutonic homesickness. “Pair it with German beer (Veltins or Grevensteiner), but since you have the Riesling for part of the recipe, you can finish the rest with your meal,” was his recommendation for beverages.

“Homemade mashed potatoes topped with roasted onions is superb with this roast. If you enjoy the recipe, give a high-five to the (once) German guy over at the Charleston Area Alliance.”



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