Coronavirus Update

Posted on March 21, 2020
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. […] Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan, ‘press on’ has solved, and always will solve, the problems of the human race.” – Calvin Coolidge

We hope this message finds you well, and want to share an update on the actions we are taking to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. The rapidly changing coronavirus pandemic is a source of uncertainty for all of us. As always, communication is critical.

I’m writing today to share what we’re doing at Made in Germany in response to this public health crisis and let you know how we’ll continue to provide you with the high level of service and support you can expect from us. For the foreseeable future, we will continue to conduct business from our home office. After consulting with vendors and service partners, we feel prepared to deliver the same quality in online and print content, digital marketing, brand messaging, and corporate communications.

As additional cases are confirmed across the U.S., we will continue to monitor news and public information sources, including the Center for Disease Control (CDC); World Health Organization; and state and local health departments.

Please reach out if you need help to communicate your company’s preparedness to deal with the challenges COVID-19 brings to your supply chain, your services, and the limitations you experience as you continue to serve your customers. Together, we can plan to minimize damage to your brand and business reputation, show your vision as a leader in your area, and create a positive mindset of preparedness with employees, business partners, and customers as we all work to overcome the current challenges.

Thank you for your time and attention, please reach out via phone, email, or message at your convenience. And keep your employees, coworkers, yourself, and your fellow citizens safe.


Jens-Kristian Kiel

Founder/CEO Made in Germany

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